Hi! Welcome to my blog!

I created this blog as part of my journey through two courses at UVic: EDCI 337 and EDCI 338. I took EDCI 338 during the summer, and Iā€™m currently enrolled in EDCI 337. You’ll find two main sections here: one dedicated to my community contributions for EDCI 338, and another for EDCI 337. More categories may be added as I continue my learning journey!

A little about me:

My name is Tabarek, and Iā€™m a fourth-year student at the University of Victoria, majoring in Mathematics. In my free time, I volunteer with organizations to help middle and high school students with their math lessons. This experience has been incredibly fulfilling and has deepened my passion for education. I hope to continue my journey in mathematics and eventually become a teacher.

Iā€™m taking EDCI 337 because I believe it will equip me with the skills I need to create effective class materials that engage students and help them truly understand the content. Iā€™m excited to learn and grow through this course!

I hope you enjoy exploring my blog!

Below is my answers for Learning Pod Self Reflection