Month: July 2024

Blog Post #4

Diverse PLN Benefits

How does having a diverse PLN improve your learning and personal/professional growth? Share any experiences or examples you have.

Engaging with individuals from different backgrounds helps you see issues and solutions from multiple angles. This broader viewpoint can lead to more creative and effective problem-solving. 

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Example: Volunteering to help middle and high school students with math lessons, I encountered students from various cultural backgrounds. Learning about their unique educational challenges and cultural approaches to learning mathematics enriched my teaching methods, making them more inclusive and effective.  

Creating an Inclusive PLN

What steps can you take to ensure your PLN includes various voices and perspectives? Think about actions you can take to promote inclusivity. 

  1. Translation Services: Make use of translation tools and services to break down language barriers. When posting videos or written content, provide transcripts that can be easily translated. 

Example: For any video content I create, I can provide a Word document with transcripts. This allows people who don’t speak the language to copy and paste the text into translation tools, making the content accessible to a wider audience. 

  1. Offer Sign Language Services: Ensure that your content is accessible to individuals with hearing impairments by providing sign language interpretation. 

Example: During webinars or live workshops, I can arrange for sign language interpreters to be present.

  1. Schedule Flexibility: Consider the diverse time zones and availability of your network members when planning events or sessions. Offering multiple time slots or recording sessions for later viewing can help include more participants. 

Example: When organizing workshop sessions, I survey the participants to find the most convenient times for everyone. If that’s not possible, I record the sessions and make them available for later viewing, ensuring that no one misses out due to scheduling conflicts. 

This video also shows how to create an inclusive classroom:

Social Media Dynamics

Different social media platforms have unique features and cultures. How do these differences affect how you interact with others in your PLN? Reflect on your behaviour and interactions across platforms. 

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


  • Features: Reddit consists of subreddits, which are individual communities focused on specific topics. 
  • My Interaction: I participate in subreddits that align with my interests and professional goals. This platform is particularly useful for detailed discussions, asking for advice, and learning from a diverse group of people with various expertise and experiences. 


  • Features: Instagram offers the “Close Friends” feature, allowing you to share content with a select group of people.
  • My Interaction: I use Instagram to share more personal and visual updates with my PLN. The “Close Friends” feature is particularly useful when I want to share content that is more private. 

Challenges of Inclusivity in Digital Spaces

Photo by Art Lasovsky on Unsplash

What difficulties have you faced, or do you think you might face, in making your PLN inclusive? Consider ways to overcome these challenges and build a supportive and inclusive PLN. 

Language Barriers

  • Challenge: Communicating effectively with members who speak different languages can be difficult. 
  • Solution: Use translation tools and services to provide content in multiple languages. For example, when sharing videos, include transcripts in different languages. Encourage members to use translation tools to engage with content and participate in discussions. 

Time Zone Differences

  • Challenge: Coordinating events and real-time interactions can be challenging when members are spread across different time zones. 
  • Solution: Offer multiple session times for live events or record sessions for later viewing.  

Response on Rose’s Blog Post #2

Hi Rose,

Your blog post does a great job explaining the importance of digital footprints. I like how you shared your experiences from school, like the posters in the computer lab, to highlight how early we learn about our online presence.

Your steps to protect your privacy, especially with the rise of AI, show a good understanding of digital security. I like how you mentioned that you keep your personal and professional lives separate but recognize they can complement each other.

The idea of building a professional online presence after graduation is a smart idea and will help with networking.

Overall, your post is engaging and offers practical advice for managing digital identity.

Thank you!

Response on Atalaya’s Blog Post #2

Hi Atalaya,

Your blog post does a great job explaining digital identity in a simple and clear way. I like how you compare a digital footprint to a tattoo—it really sticks with you. You cover everything from personal information and social media profiles to professional networks.

I really liked your tips on managing privacy and keeping personal and professional lives separate.

The part where you talked about the challenges and benefits of having both personal and professional identities online is very relatable. Overall, your post is helpful and easy to understand, making it a great read for anyone looking to learn more about digital identity.

Thank you!


This page contains two subpages:

  1. My Blog Posts
    • A collection of my blog posts for the EDCI338 course.
  2. Responses to Classmates’ Blog Posts
    • My feedback and responses to the blog posts of my classmates.

Respone on Francesca’s Blog Post #2

Hi Francesca,

Thank you for your post #2. It’s really well-organized, with lots of pictures and videos, which makes it more engaging and fun to read. I appreciate how you explained the differences between personal and professional digital identities, especially how they can affect personal relationships and career opportunities. Your insights on managing separate accounts and maintaining privacy are very helpful. I also liked your examples of using different platforms for different identities, such as Instagram for personal use and Facebook for professional use. Your plan to stay updated with privacy settings and adapt to new trends is great. Great job on creating a comprehensive and visually appealing post!

Thank you!

Blog Post #3

Research on Social Media and Learning Communities

For my research on social media and learning communities, I explored upper-level math courses at UVic, as I only have four left to graduate. I utilized Reddit to gather information and found a community of students who shared their experiences and opinions about various math courses.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

This community provided diverse perspectives on which courses to take, with some students offering tailored advice based on different mathematical interests. The discussions were particularly valuable because they focused specifically on math courses at UVic, which directly helped me in selecting the most suitable courses. Hearing about other students’ experiences gave me a clearer understanding of what to expect, making my decision-making process much easier. 

Building Your Personal Learning Network (PLN)

Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

To build my Personal Learning Network (PLN), I initially considered using YouTube. As someone passionate about math and teaching, I envisioned sharing tutorials and helpful videos on various topics, organizing them into separate playlists. I planned to encourage viewers to comment with questions, which I could address in subsequent videos, and also attach lecture notes in Word documents.

However, I realized that Facebook might be a better platform for my PLN. On Facebook, I can share tutorials and interact more easily with comments. Additionally, the group page allows all members to post, enabling a more dynamic exchange where others can also contribute to answering questions. This interaction seems more conducive to creating a supportive and engaging learning community. 

Setting Professional Goals and Engaging with the Community

When it comes to choosing the right media platforms, setting goals, and engaging with the community, it all depends on what interests me and my audience. As a student, I often look for extra resources to understand my course material better since lecture notes don’t always cover everything. I use YouTube for helpful videos and Reddit to find questions and answers from instructors and students. To engage with the community, I focus on connecting with other students and instructors who are into math. We discuss ideas, share our understanding of different topics, and help each other out with course material. By being active in these discussions, I hope to share useful insights and create a supportive learning space. 

Protecting Your Information and Ensuring Ethical Behaviour

To protect my information and ensure ethical behavior in my Personal Learning Network (PLN), I take several security measures. I use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication to secure my accounts. When creating a learning community, such as a Facebook group, I will require members to fill out a form before joining, which is reviewed by an admin for approval. This helps maintain a safe and trustworthy environment. Additionally, I ensure to respect everyone’s privacy by not sharing or taking screenshots of private group discussions. By implementing these practices, I strive to foster a respectful and secure digital space for all members. 

Privacy Concerns and Online Participation

Privacy concerns can affect my willingness to join online communities or share information, but if the community is well-known, like Reddit, Facebook, or YouTube, I usually feel comfortable commenting and sharing ideas with my profile visible. These platforms have established reputations and security measures, which helps me feel more secure. Additionally, there’s a helpful video that explains privacy concerns on social media, which has given me a better understanding of how to protect my information while engaging online. 

Hi! My name is Tabarek, and I’m a fourth-year student at UVic majoring in Mathematics. In my free time, I volunteer with organizations to help middle and high school students with their math lessons. This experience has been very fulfilling and has further fueled my passion for education. I am continuing my journey in mathematics with the hope of becoming a teacher one day.

Blog Post #2

What is digital identity? 

Digital identity is a collection of information about oneself that is represented online. This encompasses both professional and social aspects, including usernames on various online platforms, profile information, and the digital footprint created through interactions and activities.

Short video about explaining digital identity

How do you present yourself on social media platforms for personal use? 

I use Facebook and Instagram. About three years ago, I had some information visible to the public, such as my birthdate, pictures of myself, and places I had been to. However, an incident involving my friend made me reconsider my privacy settings. My friend lost their credit card and, when calling the bank, was asked to provide their birthdate (year, month, day) and phone number since they didn’t have the 16-digit card number. This made me realize how easily someone could access my information if they knew my phone number and birthdate from Facebook.

Since then, I have adjusted my privacy settings and I am careful only to add people I know personally.

What kind of content do you share, and how do you manage your privacy? 

I used to share photos of places I visited, like when I went for a hike, to the beach, or to other fun locations. However, for the past year, I have limited my posts to about once every three months, sharing a picture of myself or a place I went to. I found that posting every day took a lot of energy and made me feel like I had to visit new places just to share photos.

Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash

On Instagram stories, I share content more frequently, about once or twice a week. This usually includes things I like, such as quotes or motivational videos. To manage my privacy, I ensure that my accounts are private.

What steps do you take to maintain a professional image online? 

I follow these steps especially on Linkedin:

  1. Professional Profile Picture: I use a professional picture, not a selfie, to create a positive first impression.
  2. Detailed Work and Education Information: I ensure that my LinkedIn profile is complete with detailed information about my work experience, education, skills, and achievements. I keep this information updated to reflect my current status and accomplishments.

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use? 

With personal use, you’re sharing content with family and friends, such as photos, videos, and personal updates. In contrast, with professional use, you’re sharing content that might help you get a job or advance your career. For example, if you’re applying to be elected to a position at school, you would want to share achievements and qualities that make people want to elect you.

Reflect on the challenges and benefits of maintaining personal and professional digital identities. How do you ensure they complement rather than conflict with one another? Provide examples from your own experiences. 


Maintaining personal and professional digital identities requires understanding the differences between them. For example, content shared on Instagram is not suitable for LinkedIn. Recognizing these distinctions is crucial to avoid conflicts between personal and professional personas.

Digita Identity


  1. Separation of Content: By keeping personal and professional content distinct, I ensure that my professional image remains polished and appropriate for my career aspirations.
  2. Privacy Management: Separating personal and professional accounts allows for better control over who sees my content and how my information is used.

How I Ensure They Complement Each Other:

  1. Distinct Email Addresses: I use different email addresses for each social media account and purpose. For instance, I have separate email addresses for school, work, and banking, each incorporating my name in a unique way.
  2. Privacy Settings: I adjust privacy settings on personal accounts to limit access to friends and family, while keeping my professional accounts more open to networking and career opportunities.

Examples from My Experiences:

  • Professional Image on LinkedIn: I post updates about my academic achievements and work experiences.
  • Personal Sharing on Instagram: I share photos from hikes, trips to the beach, and other personal experiences.

Looking ahead, how do you plan to manage your digital identity as social media continues to evolve? What steps will you take to adapt to new platforms and trends while maintaining a consistent and positive digital presence? 

Privacy, privacy, privacy!


  1. Limit Public Sharing: Don’t share everything publicly. You never know, in five years, someone might dig up your old posts, and it could cause problems at work or elsewhere.
  2. Blur People in Videos: When sharing videos, make sure to blur the faces of people around you. Your video might go public, and those people could potentially sue you.

Adapting to New Platforms and Trends:

  1. Consistent Professionalism: Always keep a professional tone, no matter the platform, to ensure your online presence supports your personal and career goals.
  2. Regularly Review Privacy Settings: Regularly check and update your privacy settings to make sure your personal information stays secure.

Blog Post #1


Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Hi, my name is Tabarek, and I’m a fourth-year student majoring in Mathematics. In my free time, I volunteer with organizations to help middle and high school students with their math lessons. This experience has been very fulfilling and has further fueled my passion for education. I am continuing my journey in mathematics with the hope of becoming a teacher one day. 

Interests in Social Media and Personalized Learning 

Social media has become an invaluable tool in my studies. Whenever I encounter a challenging concept, I turn to educational communities on platforms like Microsoft Teams, Reddit, and YouTube. By joining these communities, I can access a wealth of knowledge shared by educators and fellow students worldwide. 

Personalized learning is vital because each student comprehends concepts differently. In our current era, where accessing information from home is easier than ever, learning tools must adapt to meet individual needs. Personalized learning involves assessing a student’s current level of knowledge. This approach ensures that students receive the most relevant and effective resources, whether they prefer live online sessions or recorded videos. By recognizing that each student has unique learning preferences and needs, personalized learning enhances the educational experience, making it more engaging and effective for everyone involved.  

Use of Digital Tools in Learning and Professional Life 

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I use digital tools a lot. For example, I’ve been using a note-taking app called Goodnotes on my iPad since summer 2020. It became essential during COVID-19, as writing exams on paper and then taking pictures to submit them consumed a significant portion of the exam time. With the note-taking app, I can immediately send my notes to my Gmail and submit them as PDFs in less than two minutes. This approach has saved me space and money on notebooks, and now I can easily access notes from courses I took three years ago on my Google Drive. 

In my professional life, I use Canva. I participated in a program with an NGO in Victoria, where I had to create two presentations. Canva was incredibly easy to use and helped me create professional and visually appealing presentations. 

Understanding of Digital Literacy 

From my understanding, digital literacy involves the effective use of digital platforms, such as websites and smartphones, for research, communication, and collaboration. It emphasizes the importance of security and safety by teaching users how to protect personal information and maintain privacy online. Digital literacy also includes understanding and avoiding plagiarism by recognizing the importance of crediting sources. 

Experience with Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) 

I used Khan Academy in my first two years of university to help with my math and statistics courses. Although I attended my instructors’ lectures, I found Khan Academy’s explanations and examples very helpful for better understanding the material. 

I used Reddit to learn about the most interesting or challenging math courses and decide which upper-level math courses to take based on other students’ experiences. 

The biggest resource for me has been YouTube. It has been incredibly helpful, especially when I have questions about a topic. Often, I find that someone else has already asked the same question in the comments section of a video, and the instructor or other knowledgeable viewers have provided detailed answers. The interactive nature of the comments section creates a dynamic learning environment, allowing me to engage with the content more deeply. 

Thoughts on the Course Content 

Through this course, I plan to further develop my PLN by engaging with peers on social media and exploring new digital platforms to broaden my learning network. 

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