My experience with The Balance of Passive and Active Learning in this Course
I found the balance of passive and active learning to be very effective. The passive parts, like watching videos or reading, gave me the background knowledge I needed. Then, the active parts, like discussions and interactive activities, helped me apply what I learned and made the material more engaging.

My Reflection on Using H5P
Using H5P was a great experience. It’s a powerful and easy-to-use tool that makes learning more interactive. I like how it lets learners review material and then get tested on it right away, which helps them understand and remember better.
For my teaching, I think the most useful activities would be interactive videos and quizzes. With interactive videos, I could add questions throughout the lesson, so students stay engaged. Quizzes are also great for quick checks, letting students test what they’ve learned and get immediate feedback.
Some activities, like branched scenarios and simulations, need more time and planning because they’re more complex. But they could be very effective for advanced lessons where students can make choices and see different outcomes.
Overall, H5P is a great tool for making learning more engaging and helping students stay involved with the material.
Changes I made to my Screencast Video
After learning H5P, I went back and made some changes to my screencast video, adding questions to make it more interactive. I also learned other things I could add to enhance it further, even though I haven’t added them yet. In the future, I plan to include more interactive elements in my videos to make them even more engaging.
My Lesson Planning Template and H5P

My Overall Reflection
This module has helped me see the value of active learning and how tools like H5P can make lessons more engaging. Adding interactive questions and planning activities makes learning more effective and fun. I’m looking forward to using these tools more in the future to create lessons that keep students interested and help them learn better
Hi Tabarek, you have created a comprehensive video on probability which I think will be popular among people with no statistic backgrounds. You started from the easiest concept and you also used icons for signalling as the knowledge gets deeper. I have one small advice for you: you could add a little bit more visuals such as tree diagrams at the flipping coins section just like what our teachers do in stat courses. It might help the learner to have a better understanding. Overall its a great work!
Hi Tabarek,
Really enjoyed your write-up on H5P. From my experience working with it for the first time, I agree that it could be very beneficial for interactivity (and, by extension, active learning). As you mentioned, branched scenarios are inherently complex the larger they get, and I fully agree with you on the potential use case for advanced lesson planning.
Great work!